Washington Post Licences Zeus Performance to The Seattle Times

The Washington Post

The Washington Post has announced it has licensed Zeus Performance, the industry’s fastest and performing advertising technology stack, to The Seattle Times, one of the nation’s preeminent local news publications.

This comes on the heels of tremendous growth for Zeus Performance which now has signed more than 50 sites just six months after entering the market.

“The mission of Zeus Performance is to enable best-in-class publishers to drive more revenue by building a better environment for readers and advertisers,” says Jarrod Dicker, Vice President of Commercial and GM of Zeus Technology.

“With Zeus Performance, we’ve proven that publishers increase ad monetisation without having to sacrifice user experience or limit ad supply. Working with an innovative publisher like the Seattle Times is going to further accelerate our ability to drive this mission for publishers across the globe.”

With the Times, Zeus Performance continues to enable the local markets to drive a better user experience and more efficiency across their entire technical stack. In their first month since rolling out Zeus, the Times has seen their ad viewability more than double while CPMs and RPMs have shown strong double-digit growth. In addition, Zeus has improved the overall site speed of seattletimes.com by some measures as much as 50%.

Gary Smith, Vice President of Advertising at The Seattle Times said, “Our goal in partnering with the Zeus team was twofold. First, we wanted to simplify our ad tech stack to improve the page load times for our end users. Second, we wanted to improve view-ability for our advertising customers while preserving our programmatic advertising revenues.”

“The Zeus platform has achieved both goals for us,” said Smith. “The Zeus team has been very hands on, working directly with our team to deploy the solution. They helped us test scenarios to optimise for our goals. This partnership has resulted in a better web experience for our readers and advertisers, an ideal outcome for us.”

Zeus Performance is one of three industry-leading tools built in-house by The Post that comprise the Zeus Technology Suite. Interested partners can send a note to zeus@washpost.com.