NowThis Launches Kids News Brand

Now This

NowThis has officially launched its first-ever kids news brand, “NowThis Kids,” a major new editorial endeavour, sponsored exclusively by Cheerios.

NowThis Kids is hosted by 13-year-old activist Naomi Wadler and will target Millennial parents and their Gen-Z children with a weekly video series on a new dedicated YouTube channel, as well as a podcast and newsletter.

NowThis is the leading youth-oriented news publisher reaching nearly 70 percent of all Americans in their 20s and has attracted a total monthly audience of 120M people in the U.S., 64 percent of whom are parents with children ages 6-11 [Nielsen DCR, Q1 2020].

To further ground NowThis’ standing as the top news source for young people, “NowThis Kids” will focus on timely stories of kids and families who are putting kindness into action in their communities.

NowThis Kids’ content will be hosted by youth activist Naomi Wadler. NowThis has a deep relationship with Wadler and conducted one of her first interviews in 2018, which was subsequently seen by George Clooney and led to her invitation to speak at the March For Our Lives rally in Washington D.C.

“Keeping young audiences informed and engaged about the world around them is more important than ever,” said NowThis President Athan Stephanopoulos.

“NowThis has built a trusted relationship with young people, delivering news on the important issues they care about and serving as a large platform to highlight real changemakers. We are excited to expand on that by connecting the next generation of news consumers, and their families, to inspiring news stories about our ever-changing world.”

“NowThis has cemented itself as the go-to news destination for the next generation,” said Group Nine’s Chief Revenue Officer, Geoff Schiller.

“NowThis Kids is a natural extension for the brand as we seek to highlight young people’s positive actions and promote optimism that leads to real change. We’re excited to have Cheerios as our exclusive launch partner who shares our collective goal to bring families together and celebrate the good in our communities.”

“Cheerios focuses on being a force for good along with promoting positivity and that is what episodes of NowThis focus on,” said Susan Pitt, Director of Brand Experience for Cheerios.

“These stories demonstrate that young people are making a difference in their local communities and that one person can change the world for the better.”

NowThis Kids debuts with Cheerios as the exclusive launch sponsor, which was facilitated by Cheerios’ media agency, Mindshare, and will reach parents and their children throughout the week with original content every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

On Monday, Naomi will host the weekly NowThis Kids video series with interviews and segments of teachable moments that will be informative and focused on the good that young people are doing in their communities.

Episodes will feature a Cheerios “Good Goes Round” segment, which will provide parents with tools to encourage their children how to “seed the good” through simple actions. Episodes will be distributed on NowThis Kids’ YouTube channel and also target Millennial parents on NowThis’ Facebook, Twitter and Instagram channels.

On Wednesday, Naomi and NowThis contributors will host a weekly 10-minute podcast, available wherever you get your podcasts, designed for families to listen to uplifting stories before school.

On Friday, NowThis Kids’ email newsletter will share the week’s most important news of kids going above and beyond in their communities, as well as links to additional family friendly content to watch together over the weekend.